Here are the list of episodes where the Windmill Stops Spinning?
All UK Episodes where the Windmill Stops Spinning after Segment/Dance?
1x04 Naughty Sock
1x11 Seesaw Margery Daw
1x15 Emily And Jester
1x18 Feeding The Chickens (Offscreen)
1x21 Building A Barbecue
2x09 Strawberry Picking
2x11 Painting Swings
2x15 Gospel Singing
2x18 Hey Diddle Diddle
3x07 Numbers 5 (Version 1)
3x13 Numbers 4 (Version 1)
3x15 Ice Skating
3x16 Josies Pots
3x19 Numbers 6 (Version 1) (Offscreen)
3x22 Emily Washing The Pony
3x23 Gymnastics
4x09 Urban Birds
5x11 Snowy Story
5x14 Rocking Chair
5x20 Washing The Car
5x24 Numbers 2 (Version 2)
6x02 Penguins (Offscreen)
7x05 Cygnets
7x19 Hand Painting
7x24 Putting Angus Of Bed
8x01 Funny Walks
8x03 My Violin
8x07 Feeding My Baby Sister
9x08 Dad’s Portrait
9x09 Colours Orange
9x16 Double Bass
9x23 Colours Black
MediaWiki 1.39 Update
Hello everyone!
I'm sure most of you have noticed the little site notice appearing on the wiki about the MediaWiki 1.39 update. I just wanted to give a little bit more information about it.
What's being updated? Mostly coding underneath the hood. There will be no major design changes. Consider it like replacing the battery of a car - the car will still be the same outwardly, but it just needs some updates underneath.
All Fandom wikis will be updating to MediaWiki 1.39 in the coming month. I don't have an exact timeline at this moment, but expect it to happen in mid-March or April. During the migration to 1.39, the wikis will be set in read-only mode. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes (major wikis could need more hours). One week before m…
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Recap (Teletubby Days Episodes)
- 1 1) Tinky Winky
- 2 2) Dipsy
- 3 3) Laa-Laa
- 4 4) Po
- 5 5) Noo-Noo
- Missing Teletubby: ??? ⚪
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Missing Teletubby: ??? ⚪
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
- Missing Teletubby: ??? ⚪
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Missing Teletubby: ??? ⚪
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: ??? ⚪
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Home Video (TV Airings) Recap
- 1 1) Here Come the Teletubbies
- 2 2) Dance with the Teletubbies
- 3 3) Nursery Rhymes
- 4 4) Favorite Things
- 5 5) Funny Day
- 6 6) Big Hug!
- 7 7) Bedtime Stories and Lullabies
- 8 8) The Magic Pumpkin and Other Stories
- 9 9) Go! Exercise with the Teletubbies
- 10 10) Baby Animals
- 11 11) Silly Songs and Funny Dances
- 12 12) Look!
- 13 13) What's That?
- 14 14) Oooh!
- 15 15) Again Again!
- 16 16) Naughty Noo-Noo!
- 17 17) All Together Teletubbies
- 18 18) Blue Sky
- 19 19) All Fall Down!
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Home Video Recap
- 1 1) Here Come the Teletubbies
- 2 2) Dance with the Teletubbies
- 3 3) Nursery Rhymes
- 4 4) Favorite Things
- 5 5) Funny Day
- 6 6) Merry Christmas, Teletubbies!
- 7 7) Big Hug!
- 8 8) Bedtime Stories and Lullabies
- 9 9) The Magic Pumpkin and Other Stories
- 10 10) Christmas in the Snow
- 11 11) Go! Exercise with the Teletubbies
- 12 12) Baby Animals
- 13 13) Silly Songs and Funny Dances
- 14 14) Look!
- 15 15) What's That?
- 16 16) Oooh!
- 17 17) Again Again!
- 18 18) Naughty Noo-Noo!
- 19 19) All Together Teletubbies
- 20 20) Blue Sky
- 21 21) All Fall Down!
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby #1: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby #2: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby #1: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby #2: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby #1: Ti…
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Recap (Season 5)
- 1 106) Numbers - 3 (India)
- 2 107) Drumming (Taiwan)
- 3 108) Collecting Garnets (Namibia)
- 4 109) Ice Skating (Finland)
- 5 110) Rolling Wheels (India)
- 6 111) Dog Training (Russia)
- 7 112) Sign Painting (Taiwan)
- 8 113) Feeding Chickens (Portugal)
- 9 114) Indian Dance (India)
- 10 115) Fall Leaves (Chile)
- 11 116) Peacocks (Korea)
- 12 117) Idlis (Rice Patties) (India)
- 13 118) Erhu Fiddle (Taiwan)
- 14 119) Carousel (France)
- 15 120) Washing Clothes (South Africa)
- 16 121) Balloon Umbrella (Taiwan)
- 17 122) Snails (Korea)
- 18 123) Fetching Water (Morocco)
- 19 124) Numbers - 2 (India)
- 20 125) Picking Mandarins (Spain)
- 21 126) Lion Dance (Taiwan)
- 22 127) Sand Bottle (Russia)
- 23 128) Kites (India)
- 24 129) Soccer (Argentina)
- 25 130) Balancing Pots (South Africa)
- 26 131) Getting Dressed (Korea)
- 27 132) Numbers - 4 (…
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Recap (Season 4)
- 1 76) Bagels
- 2 77) Towers
- 3 78) Spray Paint Mural
- 4 79) Animal Rhythms
- 5 80) Tennis
- 6 81) Colors - Purple
- 7 82) Going Up and Going Down
- 8 83) Cat's Night Out
- 9 84) Hide and Seek
- 10 85) Skipping
- 11 86) Fancy Dress
- 12 87) Circles
- 13 88) Ball Games with Debbie
- 14 89) Colors - Green
- 15 90) Game Drive
- 16 91) Miniature Golf
- 17 92) Colors - Yellow
- 18 93) Cable Car
- 19 94) Tropical Fish
- 20 95) Becky's Chcocolate Treats
- 21 96) Numbers - 10
- 22 97) Chameleon
- 23 98) Joining in the Band
- 24 99) Making Salad
- 25 100) Crawling
- 26 101) Ballet
- 27 102) Mark Making Pictures
- 28 103) Long Horns
- 29 104) Running
- 30 105) Boots
- Missing Teletubby: ??? ⚪
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: ??? ⚪
- Missing Teletubby: ??? ⚪
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: ??? ⚪
- Missing Teletubby: ??? ⚪
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: ??…
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Recap (Christmas in the Snow Series)
- 1 71) Christmas in South Africa
- 2 72) Christmas in Finland
- 3 73) Christmas in the UK
- 4 74) Christmas in Spain
- 5 75) Nativity Play
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Recap (Season 3)
- 1 46) Flamenco Dancing
- 2 47) Pebbles
- 3 48) Funny Walks
- 4 49) Boom Boom Dance
- 5 50) Dirty Dog
- 6 51) Painting with Hands and Feet
- 7 52) Drumming with Norris
- 8 53) Statues
- 9 54) Colors - Orange
- 10 55) Becky and Jed Find Eggs
- 11 56) Dad's Portrait
- 12 57) The Gingerbread Boy
- 13 58) Numbers - 8
- 14 59) Hair Braiding
- 15 60) The Beach
- 16 61) Squeezy Painting
- 17 62) Harp
- 18 63) Brennan's Moonwalk
- 19 64) Handy Hands
- 20 65) Colors - Pink
- 21 66) Kathak Dancing
- 22 67) Numbers - 5
- 23 68) Sand Sailing
- 24 69) Handshapes - Turkey
- 25 70) Stop and Go
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chose…
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Recap (Season 2)
- 1 41) Christmas Tree
- 2 42) Making Christmas Cards
- 3 43) Crackers
- 4 44) Christmas Carols
- 5 45) Snowy Story
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
WiiFan2022's US Teletubbies Recap (Season 1)
- 1 1) Emily and Jester
- 2 2) Ned's Bicycle
- 3 3) Music with Debbie
- 4 4) Ice Skating
- 5 5) Washing Up
- 6 6) Jumping
- 7 7) Bubbles
- 8 8) Shadows
- 9 9) Guitars
- 10 10) Numbers - 2
- 11 11) Rolling
- 12 12) Music with Debbie 2
- 13 13) Feeding the Chickens
- 14 14) Numbers - 3
- 15 15) Carnival
- 16 16) Making Flowers
- 17 17) Emily and the Cart
- 18 18) Amy's Pasta
- 19 19) Little Baby
- 20 20) Rabbits
- 21 21) Numbers - 1
- 22 22) Washing the Car
- 23 23) Our Dog Alice
- 24 24) Basketball
- 25 25) Stone Wall
- 26 26) Twirlers
- 27 27) Delilah Packing
- 28 28) Numbers - 4
- 29 29) Herding Sheep
- 30 30) Rain
- 31 31) Orange Picking
- 32 32) Swimming
- 33 33) Cows and Calves
- 34 34) Mandir Temple
- 35 35) Rollerblading
- 36 36) Colors - Blue
- 37 37) Gymnastics
- 38 38) Eid's New Clothes
- 39 39) Numbers - 6
- 40 40) Photo Faces
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter:…
WiiFan2022's Let's Learn English with the Teletubbies Recap (2006)
- 1 1) Colours
- 2 2) Numbers
- 3 3) Animals
- 4 4) Nature
- 5 5) Big and Small
- 6 6) Up and Down
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Voice Trumpet's Position: Delayed ⏳
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Voice Trumpet's Position: Delayed ⏳
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Voice Trumpet's Position: Delayed ⏳
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Voice Trumpet's Position: Delayed ⏳
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Voice Trumpet's Position: Delayed ⏳
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Voice Trumpet's Position: Delayed ⏳
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
WiiFan2022's Teletubbies Sunday Specials Recap (1998)
- 1 38) Stop and Go + Monkey Safari
- 2 39) Chinese New Year + Pancakes
- 3 40) Numbers - 1 (Version 2) + Flamenco Guitar
- 4 41) Urban Birds + Numbers - 8
- 5 42) Naughty Horse Returns + Music with Debbie 2
- 6 43) How Things Swim + Mandir Temple
- 7 44) Bell Ringing + Colours - Blue
- 8 45) Rocking Chair + Numbers - 5 (Version 2)
- 9 46) Level Crossing + Living in Flats
- 10 47) Colours - Pink + Urban Walk
- 11 48) Our Calf Treacle + Naughty Pig
- 12 49) Handy Hands + Washing the Car
- 13 50) Ned's Geraniums + Naughty Sock Returns
- 14 51) ??? + Becky and Jed Finding Eggs
- 15 52) Amy's Pasta + Numbers - 2 (Version 2)
- 16 53) Samira's Gymnastics + Milking Cows
- 17 54) Naughty Hat + Flamenco Dancing
- 18 55) Drumming with Norris + Turban
- 19 56) Numbers - 2 (Version 2) + Giraffes
- 20 57) The Gingerbread Boy + Lo…
WiiFan2022's Teletubbies Sunday Specials Recap (1997)
- 1 1) Ned's Bicycle + Our Pig Winnie
- 2 2) The Grand Old Duke of York + Dad's Lorry
- 3 3) Naughty Sock + Numbers - (Version 1)
- 4 4) Lambs + Making Flowers
- 5 5) Playing in the Rain + The Helicopter
- 6 6) The Beach + Drawing Cacti
- 7 7) Delilah Packing + Owl Babies
- 8 8) See-Saw + Photo Faces
- 9 9) Jumping + Emily and Jester
- 10 10) Washing the Bus + Rockpool
- 11 11) Café Chocolate + Numbers - 2 (Version 1)
- 12 12) Balancing + Feeding the Chickens
- 13 13) Rolling + Emily and the Trap
- 14 14) Shadows + Walking in the Woods
- 15 15) My Mum's Keyboard + Yellow Cow
- 16 16) Tweet Tweet + Bubbles
- 17 17) Strawberry Picking + Swimming with Stephanie
- 18 18) Music with Debbie + Numbers - 3 (Version 1)
- 19 19) Arthur Robot Story + Hey Diddle Diddle
- 20 20) Gospel Singing + Mark and Zoe Cooking
- 21 21) Digging …
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Home Video Recap
- 1 1) Here Come the Teletubbies
- 2 2) Dance with the Teletubbies
- 3 3) Nursery Rhymes
- 4 4) Favourite Things
- 5 5) Uh-Oh! Messes & Muddles
- 6 6) Happy Christmas from the Teletubbies
- 7 7) Big Hug!
- 8 8) Musical Playtime
- 9 9) Teletubbies and the Snow
- 10 10) Ready Steady Go!
- 11 11) Bedtime
- 12 12) Hands, Feet and Dirty Knees
- 13 13) Animals Big and Small
- 14 14) Busy Day
- 15 15) Go! & Let's Dance!
- 16 16) Magical Surprises
- 17 17) Happy Weather Stories
- 18 18) Hide and Seek
- 19 19) What's That?
- 20 20) Look!
- 21 21) Oooh!
- 22 22) Again-Again!
- 23 23) Naughty Noo-Noo!
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby #1: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby #2: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby #1: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby #2: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chose…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 14)
331) Trikes
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
332) Our Story
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
333) Jabadao
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
334) Silvie's Fish Pond
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
335) Bluebells
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
336) Asian Storyteller (The Fox)
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
337) Paddling by the Sea
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
338) Stretching Words
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 13)
321) Buying a Sari
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
322) Jack and the Beanstalk
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
323) Going In and Coming Out
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
324) Seals
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
325) Move with the Drum
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
326) Puppies
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
327) On Top and Underneath
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
328) Barrel Organ
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Sh…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 12)
301) Mum's Portrait
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
302) Gold and Silver
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
303) Honky Tonk Piano
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
304) Running
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
305) Baby Elephant
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
306) Watering the Garden
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
307) Treasure Box
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
308) This is Our Park
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: …
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 11)
281) Stick Insect
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
282) Colours - Brown
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
283) Catching Leaves
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
284) Making a Den
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
285) Torches
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
286) Maori Singing
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
287) Badgers
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
288) Pumpkin Face
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
289) Hide and Seek
- Missin…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 10)
261) Brennan's Moonwalk
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
262) Crawling
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
263) Shrimps in the Sand
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
264) Cuddle's Poor Paw
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
265) Handshapes - Turkey
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
266) Clay
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
267) Carousel
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
268) Ladybird
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 9)
251) Fruit Tasting
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
252) Colours - Yellow
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
253) Sing a Song of Sixpence
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
254) Caterpillars
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
255) Mark Making Pictures
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
256) Clockwork
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
257) Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
258) Guess Who I Am
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Bo…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 8)
231) Colours - Black
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
232) Pebbles
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
233) Otters
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
234) Decorating Boxes
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
235) Kathak Dancing
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
236) Christmas in South Africa
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
237) Christmas in Finland
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
238) Christmas in the UK
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 7)
191) Colours - Purple
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
192) Ballet - Jack in the Box
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
193) Spiders
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
194) Blackberry Picking
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
195) Fancy Dress
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
196) Numbers - 5 (Version 3)
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
197) Rebecca's Dogs
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
198) Clogs
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tink…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 6)
171) Tennis
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
172) Cows and Calves
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
173) The Pier
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
174) Becky's Flake Cakes
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
175) Hand Painting
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
176) Mark and Topus
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
177) Numbers - 10
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
178) Washing the Elephant
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
179) …
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 5)
131) Naughty Sock Returns
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
132) Penguins
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
133) Ned's Geraniums
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
134) Digging in the Sand for Crabs
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
135) Samira's Gymnastics
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
136) Milking Cows
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
137) Flamenco Dancing
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
138) Café Eggs
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-La…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 4)
101) Little Baby
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
102) How Things Swim
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
103) Naughty Horse Returns
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
104) Bell Ringing
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
105) Colours - Blue
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
106) Christening
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
107) Feeding the Sheep in the Winter
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
108) Hanukkah
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Tin…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 3)
61) Butterfly
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
62) Carnival
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
63) Naughty Snake
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
64) Guessing Game
- Missing Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Po 🔴
65) Numbers - 4 (Version 1)
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
66) Dandelion Clocks
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
67) Ice Skating
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
68) Josie's Pots
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
69) Animals - Fish
- Missin…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 2)
41) Gospel Singing
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
42) Mark and Zoe Cooking
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
43) Arthur Robot Story
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Boo Shouter: Laa-Laa 🟡
44) Hey Diddle Diddle
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
45) Dirty Dog
- Missing Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Chosen Teletubby: Laa-Laa 🟡
- Boo Shouter: Tinky Winky 🟣
46) Going for a Walk
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
47) Music with Debbie
- Missing Teletubby: Tinky Winky 🟣
- Chosen Teletubby: Po 🔴
- Boo Shouter: Dipsy 🟢
48) Numbers - 3 (Version 1)
- Missing Teletubby: Dipsy 🟢
- Chosen Teletubby: Tinky W…
WiiFan2022's UK Teletubbies Recap (Season 1)
- 1 1) Ned's Bicycle🚲
- 2 2) Our Pig Winnie🐖
- 3 3) The Grand Old Duke of York💂♂️
- 4 4) Naughty Sock🧦
- 5 5) Painting with Hands and Feet✋🦶
- 6 6) Lambs🐑
- 7 7) Playing in the Rain🌧️
- 8 8) Dad's Lorry🚛
- 9 9) Numbers - 1 (Version 1)1️⃣
- 10 10) Making Flowers🌷
- 11 11) See-Saw🎵
- 12 12) Photo Faces📷
- 13 13) Owl Babies🦉
- 14 14) Larette Tap Dancing👞
- 15 15) Emily and Jester🐎
- 16 16) Delilah Packing💼
- 17 17) Humpty Dumpty🎵
- 18 18) Feeding the Chickens🐔
- 19 19) The Helicopter🚁
- 20 20) Balancing⚖️
- 21 21) Building a Barbecue🥩
- 22 22) Jumping👟
- 23 23) Rockpool🪨
- 24 24) Drawing Cacti🌵
- 25 25) Washing the Bus🚌
- 26 26) Café Chocolate🍫
- 27 27) Emily and the Trap🐎
- 28 28) The Beach🏖️
- 29 29) Rolling🗞️
- 30 30) Numbers - 2 (Version 1)2️⃣
- 31 31) Swimming with Stephanie🏊
- 32 32) Yellow Cow🐄
- 33 33) My Mum's Keyboard🎹
- 34 34) Walking in the Woods🌲
- 35 35) Strawberr…
A strange pattern on this wiki (& possibly others)
I probably should've spoken up about this back in the second half of 2021, but I think it needs to be said. Am I the only one noticing a strange series of accounts recycling pages on this wiki?
This is all started in the summer of 2021 and here is what has happened. There have been multiple accounts on this wiki that have been recycling old pages, deleting content from pages, and leaving unnecessary redirects for no reason. Once one account gets banned or abandoned, another one comes up and does the same actions as the previous one.
I can't tell if these accounts are different people or if it's one person doing it all (The second reason seems more possible).
My Teletubbies US home video suggestions
I would to start this recap for my suggestions of the US teletubbies home videos and the ones that didn't release in the UK and include differences in the UK and US versions.
1) Here Come the Teletubbies Po's falling down dance should be after Tinky Winky's Heavy Bag like in the UK version and Where's Dipsy's hat should be after "The Beach" tv event like in the episode.
2) Dance with the Teletubbies Nothing. The Stamping and Stepping dance in the uk version has the teletubbies silent until they cheer at the end while the US version has Laa-laa speaking. The running away dance in the UK version has the Teletubbies silent while the us version has them speaking. The Tip Toe Dance has the Teletubbies silent until they cheer at the end while the U…
My UK Recap of Teletubbies (Season 8 December 1998-January 1999
This is closed and I forgot to put in bracket into the title.