Outside the Teletubbies' Home Hill, a voice trumpet says "MEOW" like a kitten, which makes them laugh and imitate the sound. Then, the Teletubbies watch Matthew, James and Mark play with their kittens. Inside the Teletubbies' Home Hill, a voice trumpet wakes the Teletubbies up. But they still feel tired and go back to sleep. Then, the Magic Windmill starts spinning and they rush outside to watch The Animal Parade and the Magic Windmill stops spinning before Tubby Bye-Bye.
Featuring: Matthew, James and Mark Carnie
- Dipsy was the "boo" shouter.
- This is the last episode to have Season 7 in international airing.
- This is only the episode where the original three Carnie brothers appear without Angus Carnie.
- Tinky Winky was the missing Teletubby.
- The Meow noise that comes from the voice trumpet is the same meow that the Lion does in the edited version of The Lion and Bear, despite this aired before Asian Storyteller (The Fox), which has the edited sketch of The Lion and Bear.
- During the main segment, there appears to be no hole from where the Voice Trumpet emerges from. When it wakes up the Teletubbies the first time, and then sinks to the ground, if you look closely at ONE FRAME before it switches to a shot of Noo-Noo, you can see the hole that the Voice Trumpet came out of, meaning that the scene must've used a visual effect to cover the hole it came out of, but they may have missed one frame during the process.
- When Dipsy says, "Bye-bye!" for the final time during the credits, his volume audio is very low.