Teletubbies Wiki


Animal Parade

The Teletubbies run in and out of the house. Then they watch some children visit a Mandir Temple where they are celebrating the Diwali festival. The Teletubbies have a very busy day. They watch the clouds, smell the flowers, look for rabbits and run around the house, but they are still not tired. The Teletubbies run away to The Animal Parade, after The Animal Parade, the Magic Windmill stops spinning for Tubby Bye-Bye.

Featuring: Arvind, Elissa and Leah Patel

Plot (US Version)[]

In the Home Hill, the Teletubbies are eating Tubby Toast. It's time for them to do their exercises. A voice trumpet rises and gives them some exercises to do. When they are tired out, they shout "Run away, run away!" before they rush outside to watch a video about children celebrating the Diwali festival. Back in Teletubbyland, the Teletubbies watch clouds float by. Suddenly, a little puffy cloud floats inside the Home Hill! They rush inside to have Tubby Custard but they found it rather inconvenient having a cloud indoors. Laa-Laa has spilled her Tubby Custard. Then Noo-Noo comes to tidy up the Tubby Custard and cloud. But all that custard and all that cloud were getting very mixed up inside Noo-Noo. He goes over to the doors and blows the little puffy cloud outside. The cloud has turned into a Special Pink Tubby Custard Cloud! The Teletubbies wave goodbye to the cloud and they go watch The Magic Tree before Tubby Bye-Bye.


  • The US Version of this episode has The Magic Tree instead of The Animal Parade.
  • The US Version of Mandir Temple aired on September 24, 1998.
  • The US Version has no opening shot to the Tubby Custard Cloud segment.
  • Laa-Laa was the missing Teletubby in both versions.
  • Po is picked for the TV Event.
  • Tinky Winky was the boo shouter in the UK Version. Po was the boo shouter in the US Version.
  • In the US Version of Mandir Temple, the Magic Windmill Stop Spinning animation gets replaced by the sun giggling for Tubby Bye-Bye after The Magic Tree.
  • After the opening shot of the main segment, it randomly cuts to the Sun Baby laughing before cutting to the Teletubbies.
  • This is the first episode where the elephant trumpet isn’t heard when the Teletubbies listen to the sound for The Animal Parade.
  • In the running around the house scene, the Magic Windmill is shown in 2D. Then when the Teletubbies run out of the house, the windmill appears to be malfunctioning.
  • This is the 100th episode of the series.
  • This is the last episode to have Season 3 in the UK airing.
  • This is also the last episode to use the 1988-1997 BBC logo.
  • The TV event was filmed at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan in Mandir, London.
  • In the US version, the clip of the Teletubbies saying "Uh-Oh!" in unison after the "Cloud Indoors" segment comes from Hanukkah.


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