The Animal Parade
Tweet Tweet is the 39th episode of the original series. It first aired on 22nd May 1997.
The Teletubbies are enjoying their Tubby Toast when a Voice Trumpet rises and says 'YOOH' and then the Teletubbies copy that phrase. The Teletubbies watch Alex Pascall and some children go looking for birds in the park. A butterfly appears in Teletubbyland. Eventually, the butterfly goes into the house, where it lands on Noo-Noo's nose, making him sneeze. The butterfly flies away and the Teletubbies say goodbye to it. Suddenly, they see the Magic Windmill spinning and go off to watch the Animal Parade march through Teletubbyland. The Magic Windmill stops spinning and it is time for Tubby Bye-Bye.
Featuring: Alex Pascall, The Children of Montem Infant's School, London
- Laa-Laa was the boo shouter.
- The Voice Trumpet segment was reused from Humpty Dumpty.
- Dipsy was the missing Teletubby.
- The butterfly was the first out of three animals to appear in Teletubbyland. The second was the dog in Our Dog Alice, and the third was the Little Lamb in Making Fantastic Animals.
- The Butterfly segment was featured on the VHS Animals Big and Small.
- The German version of this episode is called Mein Haustier: Hund (My Pet: Dog) with a different TV Event transmission.
- This episode uses the stock footage of the Teletubbies running out of the house from Ned's Bicycle.
- The Butterfly segment is one of the very few which uses CGI animation.
- On that note, the butterfly is actually based on the same models used for the Animal Parade magical event, which coincidentally appears in this episode.
- The scene where Noo-Noo sneezes the butterfly off is seen in the Children’s BBC promo from 2001.